Our trails are on privately owned property. The property owners have given permission for members of the Apple Valley Wheelers to ride and maintain our club trails on their property. To ride on these private lands is a privilege and you must either be a club member or have individual permission from each landowner over who's property you ride. To ride on the land of others without permission is trespassing.
As a club one of our missions is to acquire permission from private landowners and maintain the trails we are permitted to ride on. We invite you to join our mission by joining our club.
Are you an ATV enthusiast interested in riding our trails? We invite you to attend a meeting first, and consider becoming a member, we'll be happy to take you on a guest ride and familiarize you with our trail system. Our members stay on the trails, carry in - carry out, wear a helmet, and only ride registered and insured ATV type vehicles (side by sides are welcome, dirt bikes are forbidden). Youth riders under 18 years of age must have adult supervision while on our trail system. All members should take an ATV Safety Course before heading off on the trails. Ride Safe.
New Members Welcome
The Apple Valley Wheelers meets the
third Wednesday of each month at
7:00pm please consider joining us!
Meeting schedule for 2013
Jan 16 - Orchard Vali,
Feb 20 - Amber Inn,
March 20 - Orchard Vali
April 17 - Amber Inn (Fundraiser 4/20),
May 15 - Kart Lounge
June 19 - Orchard Vali,
July 17 - Kart Lounge,
Aug 21 - Amber Inn
Sept 18 - Orchard Vali,
Oct 16 - Kart Lounge,
Nov 20 - Orchard Vali
Dec 18 Amber Inn (Holiday Gathering)
Membership Fees:
Initial $50.00
Renewal $35.00
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